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Terms of Auto Insurance

Do you want to get the auto insurance coverage you desire for your car? One basic way of accomplishing this is by learning the terms pertinent to auto insurance.
The benefits of learning and knowing the terms of auto insurance can not be over-emphasized. It will not only build your basic knowledge, but stand as a key factor to choosing the right insurance policy for your car.
This is the insurance company that underwrite and/or issues insurance policy to policyholders. There are much insurers worldwide and have their own method of operation according to local law, custom and economic level of the state or country at large.
The name carrier is referred to the insurer because it is the insurance company that actually carries the risks for the policyholder.
This refers to the loss or liability resulting from an accident, damage, storm etc. The policyholder can then be compensated for the incurred loss of the car from such incident. This is usually done as a claim and carried out by the adjuster.
Casualty is often one of the major causes of a claim by the policyholder. When there are more casualties there will likely be more claims but when there are few casualties there will most likely be few claims. But this is mainly based on the policyholder's qualification of the conventional liability coverage.
This is someone who gives a notice to an insurer for an incurred loss. This is usually done for the main purpose of collecting a claim from the carrier to cover or reimburse the incurred loss. Then insured will be covered with the claim as based on the terms and conditions of the insurance company.
In most times the claim may be lost on the event of an incurred loss if the policyholder is no longer an active customer to the insurer. This is to motivate the assured to be regular in paying his premiums as this will be helpful in the event of an incurred loss.
It is reasonable for a claimant to submit a claim for incurred loss coverage as long as he/she is still an active customer of the insurance company. Most often, the insurers do not offer claims to the insured unless on the event of an incurred loss.
Coverage Forms
These are legal documents attached to an insurance policy to put into effect the coverage of the policy as provided by the insurance company.
These forms are really necessary for a good insurance coverage as it will determine the effectiveness of the insurance policy.
The endorsement form shows the legal and coverage status of the policyholder as issued by the insurance company.
Combined Single Limit
As the name suggest, this refers to the amount (limit) of money an insurer, based on the insurance policies, can pay as a liability coverage for both bodily injury and property damage.
The amount of coverage may differ from insurer to insurer as this is based on the insurance terms and conditions as well as the policies of the insurance companies.
It is different from that of the split limit policy where the amount for liability payment limits of property damage and bodily injury are paid separately.
In auto insurance terms this refers to the agreement between two or more parties to achieve a common aim. This can be seen from the agreement between the insurance company and the insured.
This is also evident in the agreement between the insurance company and the agent, with each party offering the interest to the other.
Competitive Estimate
In the auto insurance sphere, this means the request made by an insurer to a policyholder to submit more than one repair estimates to meet his/her needs. This may involve the total estimates of repair involved.
This usually happens when there is an automobile damage resulting in incurred loss which requires some major of repair.
The policyholder should be sincere and accurate in all details which will be filled in the estimate form and later be submitted to the insurance company.
When an insurer request for repair estimate to be submitted the policyholder should comply and do so accordingly without any further delay.
Get the very best of auto insurance along with the cheapest quotes at autoinsurancemarket.blogspot.com, the home of auto insurance. We commit ourselves to providing you with high quality information and reviews about auto insurance and quote to fulfill your coverage needs and make you get the best auto insurance policy for that car of yours.
The autoinsurancemarket.blogspot.com is designed to give you the needed qualification for auto insurance coverage and to get reliable auto insurance companies and cheap quotes that are best for you.
Remember to always visit http://autoinsurancemarket.blogspot.com for more top quality and unique information and reviews of auto insurance that is second to none.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6995610

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