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The Value of a Great Insurance Agent

For many people, finding a good insurance agent is just as cumbersome as finding good insurance: if you try to handle it yourself, you struggle in an effort to find a diamond in the rough and you end up with buyer's remorse. But there are no agents for finding insurance agents: finding the right one is up to you. Whether you've recently moved, recently bought a car, or simply need someone fresh, if you're reading this it means that you'll have to acquire some insurance in the near future. And you need to know that you're working with someone you can trust.
So what's someone who doesn't have a lot of experience in buying insurance going to do? Well, there's the typical, easy route of looking up insurance agents on Google and placing a phone call to the person who ends up at he top of the list. But Internet rankings aren't enough to guarantee you both the best price and the best quality of coverage: if you want to find an insurance who can really help you out, ten it's time to put a little effort into it.
But you won't by shooting darts in the dark. In this guide, we'll tell you all about finding insurance agents - what to look for in an in-person meeting, how to find ones with less traditional means, etc. - and you're going to find the best quotes whether you're looking for health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, or something else.
Of course, while you can't do this sitting on your butt, we hope you'll take the time to check out this buyer's guide to insurance agents. The best way to read it is to keep a pen and paper handy so that you can write down the key points you hear and anything else that strikes you as something you'll want to keep in mind. Keep reading and in no time you'll be ready to find a few insurance agents that are looking to provide you with a deal - not just add to their bottom line.
What makes a good insurance agent?
Being an insurance salesman doesn't always have a great connotation. It can be like a career in law: even though you might have a noble profession, you can find yourself to be the butt of a lot of jokes. But insurance salesman don't have to resemble used car salesman: many are looking out for their customers and use their people skills to find deals that benefit both parties. This is what you want to find.
If you want to find it, of course, you'll have to know how to recognize it. So here are a few tips for finding an insurance agent that is actually looking out for you. 
  • The aforementioned "good deal" test. Come to your insurance agent well-prepared and ask them what they can do for you considering the deals you were able to find on your own. A good, creative insurance agent looks at this as a challenge rather than an insult and will be willing to work with you to find something from their insurance provider that works for you. You'd be surprised how many insurance agents will actually pass this test - after all, insurance salesman are looking to make a sale. It doesn't really matter to them what kind of insurance you get as long as you make a purchase. Some insurance salesman might be a little pushier and try to get you to commit to more than you wanted, but don't be surprised to see that many insurance salesman know that a small sale is better than no sale at all.

  • Word-of-mouth reviews. Google reviews are too up-and-down to take too seriously; instead, worry about the word-of-mouth reviews that you can find from people you know. Ask around the community you live in. Ask people you know. Find the best insurance agent through the best marketing method known out there: word-of-mouth marketing. Try to get a review or two rather than simply rely on one person's views - then act upon what you keep hearing from other people. If you find a really good insurance agent with this method, you'll find that it's almost impossible for them not to deliver the goods.

  • Find quotes first. Sometimes, an insurance salesman won't exactly wow you, but they'll be the ones to make your signup to an insurance policy as smooth as possible. When you find the good quotes first, this is all you really need from an insurance agent. That's the kind of forward-thinking you'll want in your quest to find the right policy for you, but remember: an insurance agent still can help you out. Don't assume that you'll have to get with their program before you sign anything. Make sure they get with your program. Tell them what you need and what it would take for you to consider leaving another quote behind and signing up with their policy.

  • Pay attention to how the insurance agent interacts with you. When an insurance agent seems too eager to sign you up without asking the types of questions that would need to be answered to find your ideal policy, then you know that your insurance agent is in too big of a hurry to make the sale. This isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world, and many good insurance agents can make this mistake, but you'll have to be the one to correct it. Don't let an insurance agent talk you into a policy simply because they act like they expect you to sign. A good insurance agent will be able to close the deal without being pushy; they'll be action-oriented while taking your individual considerations to heart. Pay close attention to how an insurance agent deals with you and you'll get an idea of how they'll treat you down the line, too.
Obviously that's a lot of information to absorb. But if you remember the key points about being able to find a good insurance agent you should have no problem sticking to a few of the strategies listed above. Remember that action is just as important as knowledge: unless you act on these tips, you can't really be sure they'll work or not!
With over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, Vicki truly enjoys helping people. She started in the banking industry, working her way through the ranks for eighteen years. As she became more interested in planning and saving for retirement, she worked at a financial brokerage company for ten years. Vicki works independently where she focuses most of her time creating, protecting and enhancing wealth for individuals and families. She continues to keep up with tax laws and training, in annuities, life, and long term care insurance. She is especially passionate about helping families with asset protection, as she feels that many people do not always know all of the options available to them. Vicki also helps seniors navigate through their many healthcare options; she works with various private Insurance companies who offer Medicare Supplements and/or Advantage Plans.
Vicki and her husband love working and playing outdoors and especially enjoy traveling. If you are in need of some sound financial planning, with a friendly, personal touch, give Vicki a call. Integrity is of foremost importance. You can be certain that she will listen to your concerns, and provide a plan, so you can rest easy knowing your financial future is being taken care of.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6886014

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